The Best Damn Band In The Land

  • Founded as fife and drum corps, the band was sponsored by the Military Department to provide music for ROTC cadet marches.
  • "Ramp Entrance" introduced as pregame tradition where every row of the band files out from the North Tunnel of the Ohio Stadium, marching to "Buckeye Battle Cry."
  • Script Ohio was first performed. A different fourth or fifth year sousaphone player or the occasional honorary non-band member is chosen to dot the "i" of "Ohio."
  • "Hang on Sloopy" was first performed and later became a 3rd to 4th quarter tradition at every football game.
  • TBDBITL nickname was given to band by Woody Hayes.
  • After Title IX, women were finally allowed to try out for the band. Following tryouts, the first 5 women were selected to be band members.
  • Shelley Graf became the first female drum major in both the OSU Marching Band and the Big Ten Conference.
  • Over 7000 members on TBDBITL Grand Roster and 4000 living alumni


228 band members
192 march pre-game
195 march half-time

36+ supporting staff

2.3 males : 1 female

29% engineering majors
18% music majors
79 total majors

Click the left and right arrows to navigate through the Rows of the Band. The dots represent one band member and their instrument. Mouse over or tap the pie slice or dot to see the instrument!

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